Hyperion Project 1

Hyperion Project 1

This is a Colossal from the Privateer Press’s Warmachine game, from the Retribution army. The model is normally a lot dirty than it is here, but the client wanted a super clean look, and I kind of like it. If you do not know it is harder to paint something this clean, than it is to paint something dirtier. If I had changed the paper back drop in the last 6 months it might be only teal highlights that you see.

This model was easier to paint into the inlays than the Worldwrath because of the angle they the edges are at, but it was harder due to access of those areas once the arms are on.

Both feet are pinned though you might not see it at all. On the slightly raised foot, I have bent a pin with 90 degree angles into the foot, and then greenstuffed over it, so the pin goes into the meat of the foot rides down the surface of the back side of the foot into the ground where it is tied down basically.

The way I tie down a pin like that is one of those 1 inch washers with a small 16 penny nail hole in the middle. I put the pin through that hole and then bend it a few times so it wont pull out easily. Once the basing materials are glued down they lock everything in place and there is no knots or edges being worn that give out in 6 months.

The oil in the front is cotton ball broken up and covered with elmer’s glue, and then painted. After the model is sealed I put a gloss medium on the oil parts to give it a shine.

Thanks for viewing

If you want to start your own project please feel free to contact me at Clark@thexoan.com or check out my website listed below.


About thexoan

I am a long time gamer, who has gone to college to better himself, but found after the housing market very hard to get a real job that will allow me to be fiscally interdependent Because of that I have started my own business, while I work a part time job to make sure the bills are covered. until I get enough work end this second job. These are some of the many projects I am doing, I hope you enjoy them, and I welcome feedback the projects I am doing.
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2 Responses to Hyperion Project 1

  1. Brian says:

    I have to admit, adding the narrative makes me appreciate the work even more. Thank you and great work!

  2. thexoan says:

    This is the link to the follow up update to the last miniature

    Judicator Project 1

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