Hordes Minions Project 1 Update 8

Hordes Minions Project 1 Update 8

We are now starting to get to the really cool stuff, and near the end of the Minions part. Here I have two Boar Gunmen on both the left outer side of the picture, and a Razorback Weapon Team in the middle.

I have done both of these in the red cloth as before, but since the Boar Gunmen are a single model I did not do a yellow, I can still do that if you want that distinction no problem.

I have a total of 7 Warbeasts, or named tag a long, Targ the solo, and Warcaster left to paint of the Minions. These will have more color within the model as I will be branching into copper on some of the parts since they are so large and I want to break up the solid steel, flesh, and fur look we have so far.

Thanks for viewing

If you want to start your own project please feel free to contact me at Clark@thexoan.com or check out my website listed below.


About thexoan

I am a long time gamer, who has gone to college to better himself, but found after the housing market very hard to get a real job that will allow me to be fiscally interdependent Because of that I have started my own business, while I work a part time job to make sure the bills are covered. until I get enough work end this second job. These are some of the many projects I am doing, I hope you enjoy them, and I welcome feedback the projects I am doing.
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2 Responses to Hordes Minions Project 1 Update 8

  1. Brian says:

    Look stunning Clark!!

  2. thexoan says:

    This is the link to the 9th update… 🙂

    Hordes Minions Project 1 Update 9

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